have you ever tried the gratific of marketing through massagli catalog?
What is massejli whatsapp catalog and its features ?
The catalog of massejli WhatsApp is a website for your store Linked to WhatsApp. It speaks several languages. And the customer can access it without using a user name and password.
In addition, this catalog is trusted with the phone number of the caller. we can add this link to the FAQ menu.
You can also add a large number of products, it is easy to browse for the elderly as well.
This easy browsing will be the result of downloading your products, under specific categories and specifying their price and characteristics.

So the customer will buy without returning to you for inquiries or annoying you. the common questions may take your time and effort.
On the other hand, you can classify customers within whitelists – they are allowed to talk to you – and blacklists for annoying customers.
You can modify all prices easily and quickly. If you want to add discounts, you can modify it with just one click.
It should be noted that the catalog is for all numbers on one account.
Do not forget about the planning step before creating the catalog.

After the purchase, either you or sales representatives will receive a message. this message contains information about the order.
And since the phone number is automatically present, you only need the customer’s address.
You can also choose the feature of sending messages to customers. After the purchase process send a message such as: “Welcome, thank you for choosing us”
A great image will be created by the customer who will receive this message. So he will ask you again to repeat this experience.
As for you, you will manage your sales in a very simple way.
the catalog massejli WhatsApp offers to you, and your customers all these features.
Be sure that its simplicity and easiness of browsing and services are much better than the regular WhatsApp Business.